Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 5: Pizza!

Today was a lot different than the first half of the week because I made food not only for myself, but for my friends as well.

As you might have guessed, we made pizza, a staple in a teenager's diet.

Pizza pizza!

So excited for pizza

I felt like pizza would be somewhat difficult to make, but it turned out to be surprisingly easy with the strangely rectangular store-bought dough. I made the pizza sauce prior to their arrival and all that was left to do was topping customization and baking. 

It even has cheesy crust!

The pizza turned out a lot better than expected. It was so pretty looking and colorful that you could not tell that it had just been made by three cooking-inept teenagers. However, I did learn that there is such a thing as "too much sauce" which can result in pizza slices collapsing once lifted. 

The "real" dough that my friend brought with him was a lot harder to work with. We had to use a wine bottle to roll out the continually shrinking glob. 

Tossing dough is much harder than it looks in the movies. 

We used this extra dough for dessert pizzas. 

p.s. There's chocolate and marshmallows in the crust

One thing I realized while talking with my friends is that I am not the only kid that has no idea how to cook. All of us will soon be embarking into the "real world" and have no idea how to survive in it. But at least now all of us know how to make pizza. 

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