Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17-Pre Week

For my week, I have decided that I will be making my own lunches and dinners every day. While I know how to bake (I make incredible brownies and muffins), I have never learned how to cook a chicken breast or how to make a dinner that does not include Easy Mac. By challenging myself to cook, I will learn some of the most basic cooking skills that will help me survive away from my parents.

My rules are simple: I must create my own lunch and dinner from scratch. My parents can tell me how to cook something, but I must be the one to do it. Therefore, I am not able to eat out or buy ready-made meals. The meals I make must contain multiple ingredients that were not all found in the same packaging. For example, I can make Mac and cheese from the box since you must add butter and milk, but I cannot make Easy Mac in the microwave. The meals do not have to be complex, I can make sandwiches and salads, but they cannot be store bought.

These rules do not apply for breakfast, snacks, and desserts.

I am not exactly sure what to expect. I have never really made a dinner before that did not include pasta or frozen pizza. But I guess I have to learn these skills sometime.

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